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A 10-year-old boy cleans snow off cars of hospital staff to say thank you

Christian Stone 10, lives in Westerly, Rhode Island, and decided to show his appreciation for health-care workers by removing snow and ice from their cars, so they could easily go home after a long day at the hospital. "I was thinking they've been helping us a lot through this whole pandemic, and I figured why don't we help them?", the boy told WJAR.

Accompanied by friend Abbey Meeker, they arrived at the hospital at 2 p.m., and over the next several hours they cleaned 80 cars. Some doctors and nurses offered to pay them, but Christian was adamant that this was a free service. "I'm just really happy to see them happy," he said.


Kenyan woman recycles plastic into bricks that are stronger than concrete

Nzambi Matee found a way to help the environment by converting plastic waste into building materials. In 2017, Matee opened a factory in Nairobi called Gjenge Makers, where workers take plastic waste, mix it with sand, and heat it up, with the resulting brick being five to seven times stronger than concrete.

The factory accepts waste that other facilities cannot process anymore. The bricks are made of plastic that was originally used for milk bottles, sandwich bags, buckets, and rope. Nzambi Matee is a materials engineer, and she designed the factory's machines to do something about plastic pollution. "I was tired of being on the sidelines," she told Reuters.

Every day, Gjenge Makers produces about 1,500 bricks, and since opening, the factory has recycled 20 tons of plastic waste.


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