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Doctors can now prescribe time in nature and museum visits

Doctors in Scotland and Canada have been prescribing time in nature and free museum visits tho help fight the anxiety and depression.

If you spend 90 minutes of your day outside, close to nature, or in the forest, it will not only reduce blood pressure, anxiety, and increase happiness, but it will also help you lower aggression, ADHD symptoms, improve pain control, and strengthen your immune system.

At the same time, there is a scientific proof that art therapy is good for your physical health: it increases your level of cortisol and your level of serotonin. When visiting a museum, you secrete hormones that are responsible for your well-being.


Greek athlete carries disabled woman up mount Olympus

Long-distance runner Marios Giannakou climbed to the highest peak of Mount Olympus carrying the disabled Eleftheria Tosiou on his back.

Eleftheria Tosiou is 22 years old and is a student of biology in Thessaloniki. The two met in September and the young woman expressed to Giannakou her desire to climb to the highest peak of Olympus, a route the runner had already completed 50 times successfully. Giannakos carried Eleftheria in a specially-made backpack and, accompanied by an eight-member support crew, made an impossible dream come true for her.

“For me, all international races, the medals and the distinctions so far mean little compared to that goal”, Giannakou wrote on his Instagram.


Prince William starts a new initiative to inspire positive solutions to environmental problems

Prince William and Sir David Attenborough have launched a 50 million pounds (64 million dollars) prize, The Earthshot Prize, to inspire positive solutions to environmental problems.

The Earthshot Prize will make five awards of 1 million pounds each year to individuals and organizations whose innovations help repair the planet. As Prince William explained the BBC, “the Earthshot prize is really about harnessing that optimism and that urgency to find some of the world’s solutions to some of the greatest environmental problems."


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