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In recent years, we’ve been able to notice significant changes in the fabric of our reality, particularly in the department of freedom, recognition, and appreciation. The world has been gradually opening up to new possibilities, to diversity, inclusion and to the fact that we are all happier when we feel seen.

Today we celebrate women in all their might and glory. We see you, we love you, and we thank you.

Mothers who gave us life, raised us to be good people, and still try to protect us from harm. Sisters with whom we may disagree sometimes, but who always give us a hug in the end. Aunts who like to be our second mothers. Cousins – our partners in mischief. Grandmothers who are certain we are perfect in every way (and like to spoil us from time to time). Stepmoms and mothers-in-law who took us under their wings.

Wives and partners who support us and show us the value of teamwork. Daughters who teach us what childish enthusiasm and unconditional love really mean. Granddaughters who always remember to call and visit more often. Nannies who took care of us when our mothers worked to provide for us.

Friends who are more than ready to land a shoulder to cry on, day or night, and tell us the truth, especially when we are wrong. Teachers who instilled the hunger for knowledge in our minds, who inspire and motivate us. Mentors who point us in the right direction. Coaches who nudge us out of our comfort zones. Female colleagues who celebrate our professional successes with us.

Policewomen, firefighters, women in the army who risk their lives for our safety. Doctors and nurses who work inhumane hours and forfeit their own health and wellbeing to save our lives. Sportswomen, women in business and politics who encourage us to never give up and reach for the stars. Musicians, writers, actresses, and poets who give voice to our generation and provide us with stories and escape when we need it the most.

Suffragettes and all our female ancestors who fought for women’s rights (today we stand proudly on your shoulders). Feminists (humanists) who bravely face challenges and criticism every day to pave the way for change. All courageous, bold, unapologetic women who refuse to accept anything less than equality. Members of the LGBTQIA+ community who add so much color and diversity to our sometimes rigid and rusty world.

Women at Intelligent Change who help build and develop our company every day and spread its message far and wide.

Dear strong, empathetic, kind, understanding, determined, powerful, beautiful women – you are magnificent human beings. Please know how much we appreciate who you are and what you do on a daily basis to make this world a better place for everyone. We value you, we are grateful for you and we could not achieve half of what we have so far without you.

Take care of yourselves, love yourselves, and take time to focus on your wellbeing. This is your time – embrace it, enjoy it, and celebrate it. You have earned it and you deserve all the magic in the world.

We wish you the courage to stay true to who you are. Be strong or let yourselves be vulnerable. Explore your creative, artistic side or focus on numbers and data. Become a CEO or be a blue collar worker. Raise children or travel the world on your own. The choice is always yours. You’re free to become whoever you wish to be.

Love yourself and the world around you. Recognize the goodness in you and in other souls. Speak your truth. Challenge yourself to leave all your comfort zones, take the road less traveled, and set ambitious goals. Dream big. Follow your own purpose and your true calling. Rediscover and reinvent yourself.

Dear women, please remember that life quite literally starts with you. We are here to support you and repay you with inspiration. Together we will keep changing this world for the better.

With gratitude,

The Intelligent Change Team

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