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The simple answer is that prioritizing a few goals, rather than trying to juggle many, is better for you on many levels. When we allow ourselves the time and space to focus on a small number of goals at time, rather than trying to move several tasks and projects forward at once, we dramatically increase our chances of success and in the process also protect our mental well-being.

The key to a successful quarter lies down in 3 steps:

1. The very first step to ensuring this next quarter is your best yet is to visualize where you want to be and what you want your life to look like 90 days from now. Consider what needs to happen for you to achieve your vision.

2. Your next step is to develop your ideas into measurable and attainable, SMART goals for how you will achieve your vision. Take a look at your notes from Step 1 and separate your goals into categories, e.g. personal development, time management, wellness.

3. Now it’s time to prioritize your goals to give you the time and space to focus on those that are fundamental to reaching your vision. Set weekly objectives, plan your days for maximum productivity and efficiency, stay on top of your well-being, and track your progress.

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