Five Minute Journal App
There are plenty of benefits to journaling, whether you write out your full thoughts or just spend a few minutes jotting down the things you're grateful for every day or lessons you've learned. The Five Minute Journal app makes this process easy enough to do on the go.
Start Your Morning Focusing on the Good
The Five Minute Journal App asks you three morning questions to instill gratitude, set purpose, and create empowering beliefs. Start your morning off on the right foot, and days seem to go by smoother.
End Your Day with Reflection
At the end of the day, two night questions ask you to reflect on amazing things that happened and how you could improve for tomorrow. Sleep easier by ending your day on a high note.
Capture Your Magical Moments
Capture and view your magical moments with a daily photo. Switch to timeline view to see a photographic timeline of all your daily photos.
• Always wanted to start a journal
• Want to reflect and improve their lives.
• Already are in the habit of journaling
• Need a more freeform journaling application to write at length.